• Doktorant SDNH UŁ nagrodzony w konkursie Instytutu Strat Wojennych im. Jana Karskiego

Doktorant SDNH UŁ nagrodzony w konkursie Instytutu Strat Wojennych im. Jana Karskiego

On 31 August at the headquarters of the Jan Karski Institute of War Losses in Warsaw, a ceremonial awards ceremony was held to award winners of the best diploma theses competition. The guests were welcomed by the Director of the Institute, Dr hab. Konrad Wnęk, Professor of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Then, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Arkadiusz Mularczyk congratulated the winners via online video connection.

Jakub Kuliś from the University of Lodz took third place in the category of the best bachelor's theses, for his thesis entitled: "Rozliczenie z II wojną światową na łamach „Tygodnika Powszechnego” w pierwszych latach istnienia pisma"

A group photo of the winners of the Jan Karski Institute of War Losses Award.

The doctoral student from the University of Lodz Doctoral School of Humanities and a graduate of our Faculty decided to give his work a new life by submitting it to a prestigious national historical competition, in which he managed to take third place. The competition for the best bachelor's and master's theses devoted to the problems of identifying and describing the consequences of the second world war was organised by the Jan Karski Institute of War Losses.

Jakub Kuliś (University of Lodz Doctoral School of Humanities) during collecting the award for taking third place in the diploma theses competition

As the award winner, Jakub Kuliś (University of Lodz Doctoral School of Humanities) emphasises:

Not only can competitions provide a great sense of satisfaction, but they also give you the opportunity to meet other people who are also interested in a specific topic. Such events are opportunities that cannot be wasted.

We would like to offer our sincere congratulations to Jakub Kuliś and at the same time encourage our students and graduates to publish and promote their research.


Edit: Mateusz Kowalski, Ronald Wójcik

Photos: Jan Karski Institute of War Losses