• Międzynarodowe Agendy Badawcze – spotkanie informacyjne on-line

Międzynarodowe Agendy Badawcze – spotkanie informacyjne on-line

The Foundation for Polish Science encourages all those interested to attend an information meeting on the International Research Agendas Measure (IRAP FENG) – call 1/2024, financed by the European Funds for Modern Economy 2021-2027 Programme.

The meeting will be held online on 2 August from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. The event will be held in Polish.

In order to participate, you must register by end of day on 1 August.

The following topics will be discussed during the meeting:

  • main assumptions of the IRAP FENG Measure,
  • project financing principles,
  • competition documentation and application submission method.

The International Research Agendas Measure (IRAP FENG) supports the establishment or development of specialised, world-leading research groups and organisations in which scientific excellence and international competitiveness of research can be achieved. The Applicants in the IRAP FENG Measure are research organisations. The applicant designates a Head Researcher of the Project – a person with a scientific degree, the main author and executor of the project implemented within the applicant’s institution, and responsible for all the substantive work of the project. The call No. 1/2024 – together with the competition documentation – will be announced on 31 July 2024. It will be conducted between 19 August and 16 September 2024. The call will be publicly available. The call budget is PLN 120 million.

You can find more information on the event website (in Polish).

Source: Foundation for Polish Science
Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz