• Granty i stypendia wyszehradzkie

Granty i stypendia wyszehradzkie

The International Visegrad Fund has opened the first calls for applications this year calls for applications for grant programmes and the travel scholarship programme.

The International Visegrad Fund grants are used to finance projects implemented in regional cooperation that respond to common challenges in the Visegrad Group region and throughout Central and Eastern Europe. Applications in the current call can be submitted until 1 February 2025. The closing dates for the next calls this year are 1 June and 1 October. The electronic system for submitting applications (My Visegrad) opens 20 working days before the closing date. There are currently available 3 types of grants:

  • Visegrad Grants – in principle, the project should involve cooperation between organisations from at least 3 Visegrad Group countries (3xV4). Projects can take a maximum of 18 months. The application for funding must be consistent with one of the general topics of the programme (objectives).
  • Visegrad+ Grants – the project should involve cooperation between organisations from at least 3 Visegrad Group countries and 1 Western Balkan country: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia or Eastern Partnership countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine (3xV4 + 1xEaP/WB). Maximum duration of project implementation is 18 months. The application for funding must be in line with one of the general themes of the programme (objectives).
  • Strategic Grants – the project should involve cooperation between organisations from all four V4 countries. Projects can take from 12 up to 36 months. The project should take into account one of the annual strategic priorities of the Visegrad Group (strategic priorities).

Visegrad Fellowship Programme offers funding of individual short-term stays for scholars, lecturers, and researchers (citizens of Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and Ukraine) in V4 countries others than that of their citizenship and current residence. The planned fellowship length is within the period of 2–10 weeks, during which the scholarship holder is expected to carry out (or participate in) a research project, deliver lecture(s) or seminars, or research specific collections of materials available in a public archive or library. The support takes form of a lump sum scholarship amounting to €500/week paid in two instalments (80% and 20% respectively). Applications are accepted on a continuous basis in two periods of the year: from 1 January to 31 May and from 1 September to 30 November.

Detailed information about the programmes and downloadable documents are available on the pages linked in the text above.