• Wszyscy jesteśmy hedonistami – prof. Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek na łamach miesięcznika Liberté

Wszyscy jesteśmy hedonistami – prof. Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek na łamach miesięcznika Liberté

An interview with Prof. Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek – a hedonist who openly defends her views has been published in the Liberté Monthly. In a conversation with Magdalena M. Baran, the philosopher from the Department of Ethics at the Faculty of Philosophy and History explains that the negative associations and distaste commonly associated with this concept stem almost exclusively from a misunderstanding of what hedonism really is.

I try to fight against such a simplified and very untrue image of hedonism. It still happens to me that when I say that I am a hedonist, people laugh at me, especially my colleagues in the profession. […] Pleasure and pain are the basic driving force of our actions

– says Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek.

The scientist explains that the principle of carpe diem, contrary to appearances, has little in common with carefreeness, and that hedonism and stoicism have more in common than one might expect. She also emphasizes that in order to truly enjoy mortal life, it is not enough to avoid suffering, living from day to day, exclusively here and now. On the contrary, a full-fledged hedonist must demonstrate wisdom and the ability to plan, and above all, awareness – of the changeability of themselves and the world.

After all, it is even uncertain whether we will be there tomorrow or not. It seems to me that this wisdom consists precisely in looking a little wider and simply planning. Our plans may not come to fruition. Our plans may change over time. And again, wisdom also consists in knowing how to modify them in a given situation, in being open. None of us lives only from day to day, even if just focusing on the here and now is important

– reads the interview in Liberté.

Dr hab. Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek, Associate Professor at the University of Lodz, is a philosopher and an ethicist. She is a graduate of English Studies and Philosophy at the University of Lodz. She deals with metaethics, utilitarian philosophy and problems of practical ethics: bioethics, animal rights, ethical aspects of new technologies. In an interview for Liberté, she focuses on pleasure and happiness in human life – their role, meaning and ways to achieve them.

Full interview with Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek (in Polish)

Source: Liberté 
Edit: Michał Strzelec, Communications and PR Centre, University of Lod