Wykład prof. Mohammed Al-Nasarat z Uniwersytetu króla Husajna ibn Talala w Ma’an

Miejsce wydarzenia: Harcmistrza Aleksandra Kamińskiego 27a, 90-219 Łódź
Czas: 24 października 2023 (wtorek) 13:45 - 15:15

24 października w Instytucie Historii UŁ odbędzie się na wykład Petra and the Nabataeans in the Classical Writings, który wygłosi prof. Mohammed Al-Nasarat z Uniwersytetu króla Husajna ibn Talala w Ma’an (Jordania).

Wydarzenie odbędzie się na 24 październiak (wtorek) 2023r. o godzine 13.45. Miejscem wykładu będzie Instytut Historii UŁ (ul. Kamińskiego 27A), sala 202. Zapraszamy do udziału osobistego lub za pośrednictwem aplikacji MS Teams (link). Wstęp wolny.

O wykładzie

The Nabataeans were a Semitic people on the Arabian Peninsula during the Greco-Roman period. Their lifestyle as caravaneers, and the remarkable beauty of their capital city of Petra, have stirred scholarly interest and imagination. Two features of Nabatean existence have received particular attention: their nomadic lifestyle as traders, on the one hand, and their religious behaviour, on the other, especially as reflected in the archaeological data that continue to be uncovered at Petra.

The history of the Nabataeans and their socio-cultural development is an underdeveloped research area. The Nabataeans themselves left no written sources that document historical or political events from their own perspective. Nevertheless, there are different sources from which one can reconstruct aspects of the social and cultural life of this people and reconstruct chronological and dynastic sequences. These sources can be broadly divided into historical and archaeological. The former include Biblical, Greek and Roman accounts; the latter include elements of material culture, especially pottery and architecture. Falling somewhere between the two categories are the extensive epigraphic and numismatic data.

O prelegencie 

Prof. Mohammed Al-Nasarat is a full Professor in ancient and pre-Islamic history. He obtained his doctoral degree from University of Jordan, Amman, 2009, Jordan. He worked in Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Jordan as a Director of Planning & Quality Assurance Unit 2018-2020. Head of Department of History 2016-2018. Director of Center of Studies, Consultations and Community Development 2012- 2016 and as a Assistant Director of Center of Studies 2011-2012. Director of Studies and Training Department 2011-2012. Director of Community Development Department 2009-2011. His research interests in history, archaeology, social anthropology and heritage tourism. Currently he is an academic staff member at Department of History, College of Arts.  


Informacje: Centrum Ceraneum

Miejsce wydarzenia: Harcmistrza Aleksandra Kamińskiego 27a, 90-219 Łódź

Data i godziny wydarzenia: 24 października 2023 (wtorek) 13:45 - 15:15